Let’s start in 1990 when Kurzweil predicted that that “personal computers are available in a wide range of sizes and shapes, and are commonly embedded in clothing and jewelry such as wristwatches, rings, earrings and … Predictions on AI and development from Ray Kurzweil, AI Pioneer. In the past 20 years or so, extreme poverty has fallen by some 50% globally. But when people are surveyed and asked to guess the decline in poverty rates, only around 1% of people get it right. When the topic of Kurzweil's predictions for 2019 came up 2 years ago (!), I gave him a ~20% hit rate [1]. However, at the time, I didn't realize that he was writing a sequence of 10-year predictions, so I didn't look at the corresponding predictions for 2009 or 2029. 2020-06-14 In-text citations: These come from “2030–Ray Kurzweil’s Predictions or Bill Joy’s Fears.” Works Cited page: Only one entry on the Works Cited page, for “2030—Ray Kurzweil’s Predictions or Bill Joy’s Fears.” 6.
Ray Kurzweil’s Predictions Given his past success, Kurzweil’s wild predictions about the future seem feasible. It is very hard to predict the future, but he points out that technology is actually quite predictable, since it has been progressing at a steady exponential rate. 2019-12-22 · Futurist Ray Kurzweil predicted in 1999 that human life expectancy would rise to “over one hundred” by 2019. “Computerized health monitors built into watches, jewelry, and clothing which diagnose both acute and chronic health conditions are widely used. According to this assessment, Ray Kurzweil's predictions for 2020 are 77% accurate!
However, at the time, I didn't realize that he was writing a sequence of 10-year predictions, so I didn't look at the corresponding predictions for 2009 or 2029. Ray Kurzweil’s Predictions For 3D Printing at The 2014 Google I/O Conference Shane Taylor June 27th 2014 - 3:07pm. 0 4 . 0 Shares 0 0 0 0.
Google’s chief futurist Ray Kurzweil says humans will have eternal life by 2029. Kurzweil has been accurate in his predictions so far. Back in the 1980s — when we were lugging around our Motorola bricks — he already predicted a bunch of things that are now part of everyday life. Kurzweil himself has defended the accuracy of his predictions, though I’m unsure if he agrees with the content of the Wikipedia page in question.
Singularity Videos/YouTube screenshot by CNET. That last vision comes from the mind of Google's chief
Kurzweil believes, by the end of the 2020s, humans will be able to completely replace fossil fuels. Kurzweil has said that by the 2030s, people will be able to send nano-bots into their brains through their capillaries.
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However, I don't believe that anyone being fair could give him a score below 70% (for 2020 so far) unless they were intentionally being unreasonable (i.e. any prediction that isn't 100% right to the letter gets zero points).
any prediction that isn't 100% right to the letter gets zero points).
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5.30.2017 1:53 AM. Want to know what the future’s going to be like? There’s reason to believe Ray when he says the future will be better than you think. Ray is renowned for his predictions on technological and social advancement. He said he’s made 147 predictions in the age of machines, and according to him, “86% were correct to the year.” Kurzweil is known for making predictions, which are right about 86% of the time.
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The above represent only a few of the predictions Ray has made.While he hasn’t been precisely right, to the exact year, his track record is stunningly Back in September, while announcing that Ray Kurzweil would appear at an event, Peter Diamandis linked to this Wikipedia page claiming that Kurzweil’s futurist predictions have an 86 percent accuracy rate. Kurzweil himself has defended the accuracy of his predictions, though I’m unsure if he agrees with the content of the Wikipedia page in question. Back in 2014, Ray Kurzweil, famous futurist and "Googler," made a stark prediction: by 2029, we would have human-like computers. Now, only a decade away, we look at whether this prediction … 2012-03-20 2020-08-14 2015-06-03 Ray Kurzweil: How My Predictions Are Faring (2010) (rackspacecloud.com) 86 points by kanzure on Dec 24, 2010 First, my compliments to any prophet who goes back to actually audit his predictions. Having said that, I think Ray is grading himself on a pretty generous curve. Ray Kurzweil’s Predictions.
If you are an entrepreneur, you need to be thinking about these. Ray’s predictions for the next 25 years. The above represent only a few of the predictions Ray has made.While he hasn’t been precisely right, to the exact year, his track record is stunningly 2016-04-19 · – Ray Kurzweil, The Singularity Is Near We’ve been “reprogramming” our environment for nearly as long as humans have walked the planet. Now we have accrued enough knowledge about how our bodies work that we can begin tackling disease and aging at their genetic and cellular roots.
He’s made 147 predictions since the 1990’s, and he has an 86% success rate.