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Sie möchten einen Studienabschnitt im Ausland absolvieren? Hier sind Sie genau richtig! Die Medizinische Fakultät ist in Kooperation mit über 40 Partneruniversitäten weltweit. Erasmus Erasmus Koordination: Sophia Brockmann (Studentische Beratung) Historisches Institut Telefon: +49-241-80-26388 E-Mail: Dr. Giuseppe Cusa (Partnerschaften) Please note that due to the current health situation related to the corona virus, all personal consultation hours of the International Office are unfortunately cancelled until further notice. Please contact us via e-mail: or via phone: +49 (0) 69 798-15080/-17191. What does that mean?

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Laden Sie nun alle unten genannten Unterlagen in der Online-Registrierung hoch. ERASMUS is based primarily on bilateral agreements between European partner institutions – ERASMUS coordinators at RWTH Aachen University resp. at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and the colleagues at the respective partner university help you to plan your studies abroad so that nothing gets in the way of a smooth semester abroad (“learning agreement”). Sie sind als ERASMUS+ Praktikant oder Visiting Project Student herzlich willkommen, sich zu registrieren und an der RWTH Aachen einzuschreiben. Mit der Einführung von RWTHonline, haben sich die Fristen wie folgt geändert: Semester.

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Dear Exchange Students, Please list all courses you plan to take at RWTH Aachen University on the Learning Agreement form. The Learning Agreement is required for your application only if you wish to attend courses during your stay at. RWTH Aachen University. Resultados Encuestas Pegasus 2019 Erasmus Surveys Links VLC Campus Internationalization map Erasmus Student Network (ESN) SEPIE - Datos y cifras Erasmus The Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) Estudiar en Francia: prepara tu estancia DECRETO 61/2013, de 17 de mayo: reconocimiento de la competencia en lenguas extranjeras en la CV EAC-Erasmus Success Stories InformatIon for IncomIng Erasmus studEnts RWTH Aachen University International Office Templergraben 57 52062 Aachen, Germany Tel.: +49 241 80-90660 Fax: +49 241 80-92662 ERASMUS Code: D AACHEN 01 Erasmus Program Institutional coordinator Mrs. Claudia Hanke, M.A., Head of Division 2.3 – Mobility Exchange Students (Incomings) Welcome to the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at RWTH Aachen University – your academic “home” while you are studying at this university as an exchange or visiting student.

AIICS Publications: All Publications

You can still contact us via e-mail.

Rwth erasmus incoming

Sub-Navigation. Aufgrund der aktuellen Situation im Zusammenhang mit COVID-19 findet die persönliche Sprechstunde zurzeit nicht statt. Bitte schreiben Sie uns Ihre Fragen an
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Rwth erasmus incoming

Due to the overall situation created by the CORONAVIRUS, the personal office hours will be canceled immediately and until further notice. You can still contact us via e-mail.

Complete Name: International Program Coordinator: Department of Study: Personal Data. Family Name: First / Given Name: Date and Place of Birth: Nationality: male. female Dear Exchange Student, Research Stockholm University conducts independent basic research and impartial applied research of high calibre. Here you can get an idea of our current research and ongoing projects.
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AIICS Publications: All Publications

Bewerbungsdeadline für das akad. Jahr 2019/2020 Alle internationalen Studierenden, Forschenden und Lehrenden, die sich für einen Aufenthalt an der Fakultät für Bauingenieurwesen der RWTH Aachen entschieden haben, erhalten hier Informationen rund um das Leben in Aachen und ihre neue akademische Heimat.

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Se hela listan på Erasmus Aachen AEGEE, Aachen, Germany. 4,001 likes · 5 talking about this. We are members of the student organization AEGEE-Aachen and the local Erasmus Initiative in Aachen, here to make your life All programs of study offered by the School of Business and Economics at RWTH Aachen University aim to equip students fully for their entrance into the professional world. "Getting the fuller picture", that is, international experience, is a prerequisite for access to top-level jobs. How to make the best out of your stay in Aachen · Erasmus life in Aachen · HOMIE-Group Programme · AEGEE-Aachen's BIG ASS ORIENTATION WEEK. Admission letter from RWTH is required (see program requirements). Submit signed application form by email to Incoming Student Services by the deadline.

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Additionally, you can reach us by phone every Tuesday between 10am and 12pm +49 331/977-4257 and we are offering a digital office hour every Thursday between 10am and 12pm: Outgoing Students (ERASMUS) Leiterin Exchange Office. Tel.: +49 (0)241 80 93351 E-Mail. Raum 523. Stefanie Spatafora (M.A.) Incoming Students Outgoing Students (außereuropäische Kooperationen) ISAP-Programm. Tel.: +49 (0)241 80 93345 E-Mail.

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